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Our Beliefs
We believe there is one coeternal God: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, a unity of three coeternal Persons.
We believe that, from before the foundation of the world, the Father pledged that the Son would give His life for His creation and that the Holy Spirit would convince people of their need and grow them in God's grace.
We accept the death of Jesus Christ on Calvary as the atoning sacrifice for our sins and believe that, by grace alone through faith in His shed blood, we are saved from sin and its penalty.
We accept Jesus Christ as our Lord and personal Savior believing that God, in Christ, has forgiven our sins, ratified and finalized at the cross, and given us a new heart.
By faith we accept the righteousness of Christ, our Intercessor in the heavenly sanctuary. We accept His promise of transforming grace and power to live a loving, Christ-centered life in the home and in the world.
We believe that the Bible is God's inspired Word, the only rule of faith and practice for the Christian. We are committed to regular prayer and Bible study to facilitate growth and spiritual maturity. It is through the Bible that we learn about and understand God's gracious gift of salvation.
It is our purpose to live in obedience to God and the Ten Commandments, understanding that obedience in no way contributes to the source of our salvation but is always the fruit of our relationship with God. Through the Holy Spirit, He writes His law of love on the heart of every believer. Honoring the seventh-day Sabbath reminds believers of creation and re-creation. True Sabbath-keeping involves celebrating and resting in the finished work of Christ.
We look forward to the second coming of Jesus and the blessed hope when "this mortal shall put on immortality" (1 Cor. 15:54 ). In anticipation of His return, we will seek by our example and testimony to help others accept Christ as Savior and Lord. At the second coming of Jesus, all who have been saved by grace will finally realize the resurrection of Jesus in their own lives.
We accept the biblical teaching of spiritual gifts and believe that every member is a minister. God's church will "eagerly desire all spiritual gifts, especially the spiritual gift of prophecy” (1 Cor. 14:1). Spiritual gifts are given to those who have accepted God's grace.
We believe in church organization. It is our purpose to support the church by our tithes and offerings and by our personal effort and influence. By returning to God tithes and offerings, we show our dependence on and love for the One who sacrificed everything for us.
We believe that we should be a responsible steward of all that God has entrusted to us. We desire to honor God by following Biblical principles for good health in our spiritual, mental, physical, and social responsibilities. This includes proper exercise, rest, diet, and the management of life's stresses by trusting in God and the discarding of unhealthful life practices which tend to cause physical, mental, or spiritual degeneration. Since our body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, we want to present it as pure to Christ as we can in honor of His pure and perfect body that He sacrificed for us.
We believe the basic Bible principles of living a Christ-like life and seek to order our lives in harmony with them while remaining responsive to unfolding truth in the light of the gospel. We appreciate that there will always be new understandings of truth and that there are some things Jesus has not revealed to us yet because we are not able to comprehend them.
We acknowledge the New Testament ordinances of the church as an expression of faith and forgiveness of sins: baptism by immersion, and the Lord's Supper. We understand the burying in and the lifting up out of the water as a precious symbol of our death and resurrection in Jesus, and the bread and the wine as symbols of the body of Jesus broken for us and the blood spilled that we might live.
The Warehouse
494 Shedden Road
Grand Cayman, Cayman Islands
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